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Showing posts from 2017

Things to do in Göteborg (Sweden)

Hello everybody,  I decided to change the order of my posts so the English version comes first and the German one second. According to the blog stats, there are more readers from non-german-speaking countries, which is why I thought it’s more convenient for you in this way ;) Contrary to all claims of certain people, there are actually some countries I haven’t visited yet. In fact, there are plenty. So it might come as a surprise, but I have quite a few blank spots in Europe too (e.g. Belgium, most of the Eastern European states). However, I can cross off another Scandinavian country: Sweden. Last weekend and for the first time ever, I’ve been to this Nordic diamond and I just loved it. And I haven’t even been to Stockholm, which most people claim is the greatest city in Sweden. Instead, I’ve been to Göteborg, because it was cheaper :D So let’s wrap up what I did in beautiful Göteborg and what you should do whenever you have the chance to visit the city yourself....

2 Days in Lisbon

I have to say after seeing that many impressive cities around the world I have quite high expectations to city trips, but I can say Lisbon fulfilled it 100%! I totally felt in love with the city and would go as far as saying its within my top 5 European cities (maybe even top 3 but let's not exaggerate at this point haha). It has the whole package: the big city vibe, the summer flair with the perfect weather (it was sunny, around 26 degrees, a bit windy, not too hot and not too cold, the modern aspect, the historical, culural, Portuguese side, the shopping possibilities, the super delicious food, very open and kind people, the international atmosphere and the nightlife - all just comes together in Lisbon. Food Did you ever think about typical porugese food? Well I didn't and apparently most of their traditional food involves pork. Since I'm anything else than a fan of any kind of meat I haven't had any expectations on trying typical portugese food. But as usual ...

It's been a while

*English version below* Okay ich denke, dass mit dem “Tut mir leid, dass ich so unregelmäßig poste, das wird sich ab jetzt ändern” können wir uns mittlerweile sparen… Ich bin einfach zu beschäftigt mit dem normalen Leben :D Also freut euch einfach über diesen Post, ich freue mich auf jeden Fall, dass ihr ihn lest :) Fast 1 Jahr Dänemark und ich muss sagen, mein Verhältnis zu diesem Land hat sich nicht wirklich verbessert (es ist unfassbar wie frustrierend Wind sein kann #nichtlustig), aber es ist machbar. Und abgesehen von den ganzen dänischen Hindernissen, war das letzte Semester hier eigentlich ziemlich großartig und soooo viel besser als die ersten Monate. Was natürlich hauptsächlich mit den tollen Menschen zusammenhängt, die ich dieses Jahr kennen gelernt habe. Ich habe so viele fantastische neue Freunde gefunden (und wie die meisten vielleicht schon wissen, besonders eine Person ist mittlerweile ein wichtiger Teil meines Lebens geworden), ich konnte endlich meine Eurovi...